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2015-12-17 09:03:53

I'll call back later ●●●●●●st ●●●●●●rol hfa Of ●●●●●●, it will never ●●●●●●y end, not until A-Rod’s ●●●●●●ct is ●●●●●●ed — and ●●●●●●n lies the next ●●●●●● issue for the ●●●●●● and the P●●●●●● A●●●●●●tion when they sit down in two years and begin ●●●●●●●●●●●● on a new Basic A●●●●●●nt. Forget for a ●●●●●● A-Rod’s ●●●●●●ct — which the Y●●●●●● were dumb ●●●●●● to give him, ●●●●●●h age 42, ●●●●●●e they ●●●●●●oned ●●●●●●ing him as the “clean” all-time home run ●●●●●●on, and which he ●●●●●● under false ●●●●●●ses ●●●●●● ●●●●●●ted to tell them he had ●●●●●●y been using ●●●●●●mance-●●●●●●ing drugs — what about the M●●●●●●ee B●●●●●●? They were just as ●●●●●● in 2008, ●●●●●●g Braun to a five-year, $105 ●●●●●●n ●●●●●●ion, ●●●●●●ing in 2016, when they ●●●●●●y had him ●●●●●● up ●●●●●●h 2015 under very ●●●●●●able terms. They did so ●●●●●●e they had ●●●●●●d he was going to be the face of their small-●●●●●● ●●●●●●ise and, as such, they ●●●●●● to ●●●●●● the fans of M●●●●●●ee he would be a Brewer for life.